Gail Wagnild

Gail Wagnild, RN, PhD
Dr. Gail Wagnild is an expert in the study of resilience - how to measure, strengthen, and celebrate this powerful capacity available to each of us. She is the principal author of the Resilience Scale™ (RS™), the RS14™, and the Resilience Scale for Children™ (RS10™). She has also created the online Resilience Assessment for Adults ™, the online Resilience Assessment for Youth™ the online Resilience Supports Scale™ and the online Brief Resilience Assessment (15 items)™ each of which generates detailed and personalized profiles upon completion.
She is the author of True Resilience: Building a Life of Strength, Courage, and Meaning as well as many book chapters and research publications on resilience. She consults with people throughout the world to offer highly reliable and valid print and online resilience assessments for research, employee health, coaching, workshops, schools, and clinical settings. Her resilience assessments have been requested by thousands of researchers and clinicians and are known for their ease of use and accuracy.
The Resilience Center™ is located in the beautiful state of Montana, U.S.A.