Resilience Scale for Children™ (RS10™)

What is the Resilience Scale for Children™ (RS10™)?

The Resilience Scale for Children™ (RS10™) is a 10-item survey that measures a child’s capacity to respond in a positive way to life's many challenges. It is built on our resilience research that began in the mid-1980s. It is a strengths-based tool, which means that:

  • It helps children recognize their unique capabilities.
  • Identifies what is going well in their life.
  • Lays the foundation upon which to build and support sustainable change.

Brief Background

We developed the Resilience Scale for Children™ (RS10™) to measure individual resilience in children ages 7-11 years. There are many benefits for using the RS10. The RS10:

  • Is positively worded and easily understood for children as young as 7 years old.
  • Helps teachers and guidance counselors in middle school settings assess resilience capacity.
  • Has a Flesch Reading Ease of 94.8, which is easily understood by most 7-11 year-olds. The Flesch-Kincaid Grade level is 2.4, which corresponds with the grade level.
  • Cronbach’s alpha was .82 in early testing of the RS10.

As with the online Resilience Assessment for youth, the RS10 measures individual resilience capacity along five core elements:

  • Sense of purpose and meaning
  • Authenticity
  • Equanimity
  • Self-Reliance
  • Perseverance

Frequently Asked Questions

The Resilience Scale for Children™ (RS10™) can be used with age groups from 7-11 years of age with success.

  • The Flesch Reading Ease is 94.8 for the Resilience Scale for Children™ (RS10™), which is easily understandable by most 17-11 year-olds. The Flesch-Kincaid Grade level is 2.4, which corresponds with the grade level.
  • The Resilience Scale for Children™ (RS10™)
    Cronbach’s alpha was .82 in early testing of the scale.

Average response time for most children to complete the Resilience Scale for Children™ (RS10™)is 4 minutes.

Yes. You will need to purchase a license to use the Resilience Scale for Children™ (RS10™). Please complete the Contact Us form and we will respond within 72 hours.

Examples of items from the Resilience Scale for Children™ (RS10™) include:

  • I think I’m okay just the way I am right now.
  • When I get upset, I know how to calm down.
  • I finish what I begin.


If you are interested in using the Resilience Scale for Children™ (RS10™), please Contact Us. We will respond within 72 hours.